17th Asian Chemical Congress(17ACC)
The Asian Chemical Congress (17ACC)'s registration is still available on line at this website.
The Asian Chemical Congress is the major biannual congress organized by the members of the Federation of Asian Chemistry Society (FACS). FACS is a federation of select 31 societies of countries and territories in the Asia Pacific.
The 17th ACC will be held at Melbourne, Australia (23-28 July 2017). This event aims to get an opportunity for chemists to network with world leaders in chemistry, and to be up to date with advances in chemistry.
The host country, Australia's Chemical Society (RACI: Royal Australian Chemical Institute) will also hold the National Centenary Conference in the same period. RACI celebrates its 100 years anniversary and other several conferences will be held as well.
Biological, Medicinal and Regenerative Chemistry Molecular Therapeutics & Diagnostics
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Molecular Photonics & Electronics
Chemical Analysis & Characterization
Chemicals from Natural Products and Biomass
Chemistry for Green and Sustainable Energy Water, Feedstocks
Education in Chemistry
Food Chemistry and Functional Foods
General Chemistry
Macromolecular Chemistry & Chemistry of Materials
Novel Porous Materials/Metal-Organic Frameworks
http://www.racicongress.com/17ACC/ (17ACC home page)
http://www.racicongress.com/ (RACI National Centenary Conference)