

The Chemical Society of Japan welcomes new president

Posted: May. 23, 2018 Category: Announcement

The Chemical Society of Japan welcomed Professor Maki Kawai as its new president on May 23rd 2018, with the approval of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.

She has received numerous awards in recognition of her research on chemical reactions at surfaces, including the Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbon from the Japanese government (2017), The IUPAC 2015 Distinguished Women in Chemistry / Chemical Engineering(2015)and the Chemical Society of Japan Award (2009). She has served in her current positions as Director General of the Institute for Molecular Science since 2016.

Professor Kawai's term will be from May of 2018 to May of 2020. She is the first female President in the 140 years of CSJ history.

Click HERE to view President's Message.
