

CSJ Lectureship Award 2019 Winners

Posted: Mar. 26, 2019 Category: Annual Meeting

The following are the recipients of the 2019 Lectureship Awards given by the Chemical Society of Japan(CSJ). As a part of our effort to promote internationalization, the CSJ established "Lectureship Award" in 2007 in cooperation with 21 Divisions. All applications are to be reviewed by the affiliated Divisions. This year 2019, 10 Divisions selected the 19 outstanding young chemists as the "2019 Lectureship Award winners" among large number of applicants.

On the occasion of the CSJ Annual Meeting, winners are supposed to deliver their keynote lectures at the site of the half-day symposium named "Asian International Symposium" together with Asian Special lecturers and promising young Japanese chemists.

2019 Lectureship Awards

Prof. Zhi-Heng Loh (Singapore)
Nanyang Technological University
Physical Chemistry
Prof. Wen Li (China)
Jilin University
Prof. Kanyi Pu (Singapore)
Nanyang Technological University
Prof. Junsuk Rho (Korea)
Pohang University of Science and Technology
Prof. Jack Kai Clegg(Australia)
The University of Queensland
Coordination Chemistry*
Prof. Bing-Tao Guan (China)
Nankai University
Coordination Chemistry*
Prof. Ruqiang Zou (China)
Peking University
Coordination Chemistry*
Prof. Junfeng Zhao (China)
Jiangxi Normal University
Organic Chemistry*
Prof. Shaozhong Ge (Singapore)
National University of Singapore
Green Chemistry*
Prof. Bin Tan (China)
Southern University of Science and Technology of China
Green Chemistry*
Prof. Fuk Yee Kwong (Hong Kong)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Green Chemistry*
Prof. Xing Chen (China)
Peking University
Chemical Biology*
Prof. Hui Ming Ge (China)
Nanjing University
Chemical Biology*
Prof. Jun-Seok Lee (Korea)
Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Biological Chemistry*
Prof. Chengqi Yi (China)
Peking University
Biological Chemistry*
Prof. Han Sen Soo (Singapore)
Nanyang Technological University
Dr. Kamalesh Prasad (India)
Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute
Prof. Myungeun Seo (Korea)
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Prof. Zhengbiao Zhang (China)
Soochow University

*Awards fields

2019 Asian Special Lecturers

Prof. Chaoyuan Zhu (Taiwan)
National Chiao Tung University
Physical Chemistry
Prof. Jer-Lai Kuo (Taiwan)
Institute of Atomic and Molecular Science, Academia Sinica
Theoretical Chemistry
Prof. Biing-Jiun Uang (Taiwan)
National Tsing Hua University
Organic Chemistry
Prof. Aiwen Lei (China)
Wuhan University


Winners of 2019 CSJ Lectureship Award with Prof. Maki Kawai, the president of CSJ.