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2017 Lectureship Award Winners

Posted: Jul. 03, 2017 Category: international affairs

The following are the recipients of the 2017 Lectureship Awards given by the Chemical Society of Japan(CSJ). As a part of our effort to promote internationalization, the CSJ established "Lectureship Award" in 2007 in cooperation with 21 Divisions. All applications are to be reviewed by the affiliated Divisions. This year 2017, 9 Divisions selected the 25 outstanding young chemists as the "2017 Lectureship Award winners" among large number of applicants.

On the occasion of the CSJ Annual Meeting, winners are supposed to deliver their keynote lectures at the site of the half-day symposium named "Asian International Symposium" together with promising young Japanese chemists.

2017 Lectureship Awards

Prof. Hye Ryung Byon (Korea)
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Physical Chemistry
Prof. Jun Soo Kim (Korea)
Ewha Womans University
Theoretical Chemistry
Prof. Rafal Klajn (Israel)
Weizmann Institute of Science
Prof. Chunyan Chi (Singapore)
National University of Singapore
Prof. Mahesh Hariharan (India)
Indian Institute of Science Education Research-Trivandrum
Prof. Xiangeng Meng (P.R.China)
Qilu University of Technology
Inorganic Chemistry
Dr. Shao-Sian Li (Taiwan)
National Taiwan University
Inorganic Chemistry
Dr. Wei-Qun Shi (P.R.China)
Chinese Academy of Science
Prof. Zheng Huang (P.R.China)
Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry
Prof. Yan-Zhen Zheng (P.R.China)
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Coordination Chemistry
Prof. Yonggui Chi (Singapore)
Nanyang Technological University
Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Prof. Eun Jeong Yoo (Korea)
Kangwon National University
Green Organic Chemistry
Prof. Ang Li (P.R.China)
Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry
Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Prof. Xin-Yuan Liu (P.R.China)
South University of Science and Technology
Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Prof. Rafael A.Espiritu (Philippines)
De La Salle University
Natural Product Chemistry
Dr. Hsiao-Ching Lin (Taiwan)
Academia Sinica
Natural Product Chemistry
Prof. Hsin-Yun Hsu (Taiwan)
National Chiao Tung University
Biofunctional Chemistry and Biotechnology
Prof. Dong Soo Hwang (Korea)
Pohang University of Science and Technology
Biofunctional Chemistry and Biotechnology
Prof. Chin-Hua Chia (Malaysia)
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Polymer Chemistry
Prof. Jiasjing Yu (Taiwan)
National Taiwan University
Polymer Chemistry
Prof. Wen-Bin Zhang (P.R.China)
Peking University
Polymer Chemistry
Prof. Ling Chao (Taiwan)
National Taiwan University
Colloid and Surface Chemistry
Dr. Rico F. Tabor (Australia)
Monash University
Colloid and Surface Chemistry
Prof. Xiaozhang Zhu (P.R.China)
Chinese Academy Sciences
Organic Crystals
Prof. Chilla Malla Reddy (India)
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata
Organic Crystals

*Awards fields