(English version is here.)
(1) Wittig demonstrated that phosphorus ylides react with carbonyls as a convenient route to alkenes.
ウィッティヒが示した。 (過去の出来事)
リンイリドはカルボニル化合物と反応する。 (不変の性質)
(2) Yoshifuji demonstrated that bulky alkyl groups kinetically stabilize phosphaalkenes.
吉藤が示した。 (過去の出来事)
かさ高いアルキル基がホスファアルケンを安定化する。 (不変の性質)
(3) Fukui hypothesized that frontier orbitals are of fundamental importance in chemical reactions.
福井が仮説を立てた。 (過去の出来事)
フロンティア軌道は重要である。 (不変の事実)
(4) This work revealed that ruthenium catalyst supported on ceria showed high activity.
これは文法的には正しいのですが、この触媒が高い活性を持つことを強調したいなら現在形の shows の方が自然です。つまり、出来事を強調したい場合はshowedが良いですが、性質を強調したい場合はshowsが適切です。
...ceria shows high activity.(不変の性質)
...ceria showed high activity.(過去の出来事)
(1) Wittig demonstrated that phosphorus ylides react with carbonyls as a convenient route to alkenes.
Wittig demonstrated (action completed in the past)
Phosphorus ylides react (unchanging characteristic)
(2) Yoshifuji demonstrated that bulky alkyl groups kinetically stabilize phosphaalkenes.
Yoshifuji demonstrated (action completed in the past)
Bulky alkyl groups stabilize (unchanging characteristic)
(3) Fukui hypothesized that frontier orbitals are of fundamental importance in chemical reactions.
Fukui hypothesized (action completed in the past)
Frontier orbitals are (unchanging characteristic)
(4) This work revealed that ruthenium catalyst supported on ceria showed high activity.
This work revealed (action completed in the past)
Catalyst supported on ceria showed (action completed in the past)
This sentence is grammatically correct, however, if the author wishes to emphasize that the catalyst is highly active, use of the present tense is natural. That is to say, shows high activity emphasizes the unchanging characteristic, whereas showed high activity emphasizes the action completed in the past.
Tenses will continue. Next time, let's look back on what we have covered with a quiz.