(English version is here.)
1. We are currently investigating the self-assembly of polypeptides.
2. We were anticipating difficulty in maintaining the enantiomeric integrity at the α carbon.
前者の「are investigating」は現在「研究している」ことを表します。後者の「were anticipating」は過去に「予想していた」ことを表します。
3. We have been exploring the versatility of Metal Organic Frameworks (MOF).
ここで「have been exploring」は、「過去から追及してきた」ことは今も続いていることを述べています。
4. We, and others, have demonstrated the utility of Lewis acid catalyzed enantioselective reactions.
ここに「have demonstrated the utility」は「有用性を実証した」を述べますが、これからもその行為を継続するかは述べていません。この文章は「研究していた」「研究論文も出した」という印象を与えます。
5. We have been developing bidentate diphosphine ligands for ruthenium complexes as practical hydrogenation catalysts.
ここに「have been developing」は「過去から今まで開発している」ことを述べており、これからも研究が継続することを強調しています。
Present progressive/past progressive/present perfect progressive
Present progressive: an action occurring now.
Past progressive: an action in the past that continued for a fixed period.
Present perfect progressive: an action that began in the past and continues in the present.
The present progressive tense also is used in research papers. Let us look at an example sentence.
1. We are currently investigating the self-assembly of polypeptides.
The past progressive tense is also used in research papers. Let us look at another example.
2. We were anticipating difficulty in maintaining the enantiomeric integrity at the α carbon.
The former, are investigating, expresses a present ongoing action. The latter, were anticipating, expresses an action that was ongoing in the past.
The present perfect progressive also appears in research papers. Let us look at a few examples and explain the difference between the present perfect and the present perfect progressive.
3. We have been exploring the versatility of Metal Organic Frameworks (MOF).
Here, the present perfect progressive have been exploring, describes an action that began in the past and still continues in the present.
The present perfect and the present perfect progressive describe the same time frame, but with a different point of emphasis. The present perfect represents an action or condition from the past to the present, but it is not explicitly stated whether it will continue. Let us look at an example.
4. We, and others, have demonstrated the utility of Lewis acid catalyzed enantioselective reactions.
Here, the present perfect have demonstrated, is an action that has been completed and possibly repeated, however, whether the action continues or not is not expressed. This particular example implies that experiments were completed and reported.
On the other hand, present progressive emphasizes the continuity of an action or condition. Let us look at an example.
5. We have been developing bidentate diphosphine ligands for ruthenium complexes as practical hydrogenation catalysts.
Here, the present perfect progressive have been developing, is an action that began in the past, has continued to the present, and continues into the future is emphasized.
To be continued in part 2.