

トップ> 会誌・図書> ジャーナルブログ >[化学論文のための英語講座] 第28回:ミニコーナー Mini Corner The time I could not read Chinese characters

[化学論文のための英語講座] 第28回:ミニコーナー Mini Corner The time I could not read Chinese characters


(English version is here.)








[Mini Corner] The time I could not read Chinese characters

Before coming to Japan, I had studied Japanese a little, and thus I understood greetings and simple phrases. "What is that?" "It is a dog" or "What are you drinking?" "I am drinking water", I could grasp. I could more or less read hiragana and katakana (the Japanese phonetic characters), but I could not read kanji (Chinese characters) at all. Of course, I wanted to become fluent speaking Japanese, but I had no interest in kanji. I did not think it was necessary, and I thought it was terribly difficult.

In Japan today, signs written in English appear here and there. In the train stations place names are mostly written in kanji, kana, and Roman alphabet. Even without being able to read kanji, one can get by day to day. However, that was not the case in rural Japan 24 years ago. At that time I was living alone in Yamagata prefecture, and simple expressions and greeting were sufficient for ordinary conversation. However, in Yamagata, most signs were written only in kanji. There was no Roman alphabet, and kana was scarce as well. At the train station, restaurants, and the supermarket, I blundered along unable to read. At times I felt powerless.

Everyday life becomes rather inconvenient if one cannot read. At the supermarket it is difficult to discriminate a bag of salt from sugar. When buying flour or panko one must look carefully at the picture on the package. Shopping at the pharmacy is also difficult. And cooking rice is worrisome when one cannot read the buttons on the rice cooker.

But a lucky mistake also happened. One night I went to a convenience store because I really wanted potato chips. There were many varieties so I compared the images on the packaging repeatedly. One showed chips with green flecks, and I thought they were onion flavoured so I bought them. From the first bite I knew right away that they were not onion flavoured. The taste was different from what I had expected but it was delicious. On the packaging were words written in katakana so when I arrived at my apartment I looked in a Japanese-English dictionary. They were nori flavoured. I had never dreamed that there were seaweed-flavoured chips, but it was a delicious, lucky mistake.

I learned that reading kanji is indispensible for living in Japan. Fortunately, a Japanese acquaintance taught me the kanji for important cities and prefectures in Japan. From that I learned the fascination and beauty of kanji, and was able to begin studying kanji with confidence.

At next time, we will discuss the conditional statements.