(English version is here.)
1. The solution consisted of cinnamaldehyde in THF.
2. The solution consisting of cinnamaldehyde in THF.
3. The solution consisted of cinnamaldehyde in THF was cooled to -78 °C.
解説:consist を受動態として名詞を後から修飾する語法は使いません。その結果「溶液はシンナムアルデヒドとテトラヒドロフランで構成された」までで文章となります。その後の「-78 °Cに冷却された」は動詞の節ですが、それに対する主語がないため、正しくありません。
4. The solution consisting of cinnamaldehyde in THF was cooled to -78 °C.
訳文:シンナムアルデヒドとテトラヒドロフランからなる溶液を-78 °Cに冷却した。
解説:「シンナムアルデヒドとテトラヒドロフランからなる溶液」という複合主語と「-78 °C に冷却された」という動詞の節を合わせて、正しい文章になります。
Here we show the use of consisting and consisted, which often appear in submitted manuscripts. Examining the four examples below, let us consider whether they are correct or not.
1. The solution consisted of cinnamaldehyde in THF.
Explanation: This sentence has a subject, a verb, and an object and is thus correct.
2. The solution consisting of cinnamaldehyde in THF.
Explanation: Consisting modifies the noun (solution) as a present participle. This example is a clause, not a sentence.
3. The solution consisted of cinnamaldehyde in THF was cooled to -78 °C.
Explanation: Consist should not be used in passive voice as a modifier after a noun. This results in "The solution consisted of cinnamaldehyde and THF" being a complete sentence. The following "cooled to -78 °C" is a verb clause and results in an incomplete sentence.
4. The solution consisting of cinnamaldehyde in THF was cooled to -78 °C.
Explanation: Combining the compound subject "solution consisting of cinnamaldehyde and THF" with the verb clause "cooled to -78 °C" forms a complete sentence.
At next time, we will discuss about Suffix.