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[化学論文のための英語講座] 第54回:冠詞 Articles 3


(English version is here.)


Countable definite singular the (1)
definite plural the (2)
indefinite singular a, an (3)
indefinite plural no article (4)
Uncountable definite - the (5)
indefinite - no article (6)

A dry 100 mL round-bottom flask was charged with 640 mg of 2-octanone (5 mmol), vacuum purged with argon, then to it was added 50 mL of anhydrous diethyl ether. The flask was cooled to 0 °C and then to it 2 mL of 3 M methylmagnesium bromide in diethyl ether was added while stirring.
訳文:乾燥した100 mL丸底フラスコに640 mgの2−オクタノン(5 mmol)を入れ、アルゴンで真空パージし、50 mLの無水ジエチルエーテルを加えた。そのフラスコを 0 °C に冷却し、ジエチルエーテル中の3 M臭化メチルマグネシウム2 mLを攪拌しながら添加した。

解説:A dry 100 mL round-bottom flaskは分類(3)になります。乾燥した100 mL丸底フラスコが複数ある光景をイメージすれば分かりやすいと思います。特定せず、どれでもいいからひとつなので(a)となります。一方、The flaskは分類(1)です。フラスコはどれでもよいのではなく、先に特定されたフラスコを指します。

英語では冠詞の使い方に不自然さがあると目立ちます。「冠詞 Part 1」で解説をした6つの分類を念頭に置いて英文を読むと冠詞を自然に使えるようになると思います。


Articles 3

Last time we studied article use in conversational language. This time, let us learn how it is use in a paper. Let us look at the example below.

Countable definite singular the (1)
definite plural the (2)
indefinite singular a, an (3)
indefinite plural no article (4)
Uncountable definite - the (5)
indefinite - no article (6)

A dry 100 mL round-bottom flask was charged with 640 mg of 2-octanone (5 mmol), vacuum purged with argon, then to it was added 50 mL of anhydrous diethyl ether. The flask was cooled to 0 °C and then to it 2 mL of 3 M methylmagnesium bromide in diethyl ether was added while stirring.

Explanation: A dry 100 mL round-bottom flask falls under (3). Imagining a scene of several dry 100 mL round-bottom flasks might make this easier to understand, I think. None is specified, so (a) is used. On the other hand, The flask falls under (1). Not just any flask, but rather the previously mentioned flask.

Unnatural use of articles in English is eye catching. Keeping the six categories from part 1 in mind while reading English papers may help in learning to use articles naturally.

We will post mini quiz about Articles at next time.