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[化学論文のための英語講座] 第55回:冠詞 Articles 4


(English version is here.)


1a. the number of samples
1b. the number of the samples

2a. in air
2b. in the air

1a は「サンプル数」という意味です。「samples」だけであればサンプルは複数で、何個かある印象を与えます。1bの「the samples」も同じ意味ですが、別な意味もあります。「samples」の前に冠詞である「the」がつけば、何個かあるサンプルを一束にする印象を与えます。「the number of the samples」は「サンプル数」または「サンプル束の識別番号」という2つの意味があります。
2a, 2b はどちらも「空気中」という意味がありますが、「in the air」は他に「空の上、空中に」という意味もあります。「in the air」と論文中に書いても特に目立ちませんが「in air」のほうがより適切です。


Articles 4

The presence or absence of an article sometimes influences meaning. Let us look at the following pairs.

1a. the number of samples
1b. the number of the samples

2a. in air
2b. in the air

1a means the numerical quantity of samples; the impression of multiple samples is given. 1b has the same meaning, however, there is also another meaning. Placing the definite article the in front of samples gives the impression of a group of samples considered together. Thus, the number of the samples means the numerical quantity of samples or the number identifying the group of samples.
Both 2a and 2b mean in an air atmosphere, but in the air also means in the sky. Writing in the air in a paper does not particularly stand out, but in air is more appropriate, if the intended meaning is in an air atmosphere.

We will discuss about superlative degree at next time.