

トップ> 会誌・図書> ジャーナルブログ >[化学論文のための英語講座] 第64回:ミニコーナー Mini Corner Phosphorus, the Devil's element

[化学論文のための英語講座] 第64回:ミニコーナー Mini Corner Phosphorus, the Devil's element


(English version is here.)

私は、多くの読者と同じように、日々のある時間帯は化学研究論文を読んでいます。その論文のほとんどは日本化学会論文誌へ投稿された論文であり、幅広い分野を取り扱っています。分子レベルでの非常に細かな説明が示されていますが、社会との広い関係については、例えあったとしても簡単に言及されているだけです。化学の先端研究はとても興味深いと思いますが、化学と社会の関係について深く考えることは啓発的なものでもあります。この話題を非常に明確に提示している本の一つが John Emsleyの The 13th Element: The Sordid Tale of Murder, Fire, and Phosphorusです。


J. Emsley, The 13th Element, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 2000
First published in Great Britain as The Shocking History of Phosphorus by McMillan Publishers Ltd. in 2000


Phosphorus, the Devil's element

Like many of you, part of my day is spent reading chemistry research papers. Most of them are submissions to The Chemical Society of Japan Journals and cover a wide range of topics. Extremely detailed descriptions on a molecular scale are presented, but the broader relationship with society is only mentioned briefly, if at all. I find that diving into the forefront of chemistry research is fascinating, however, it is at times refreshing to ponder the relationship of chemistry and society. One particular book that presents this topic very well is The 13th Element: The Sordid Tale of Murder, Fire, and Phosphorus by John Emsley.

This intriguing title refers to phosphorus being the 13th element discovered by humans, and the number 13 being a bad omen in western culture. This work begins with the discovery of elemental phosphorus by an alchemist, and then tells the story of its use first as mysterious entertainment and then development as a commercial product. This story reveals the surprising influence the phosphorus match had on society, and the development of phosphorus as a commodity chemical. Tragically, phosphorus has also be used as a weapon, from brutal murders to war. Furthermore, phosphorus is thought to be the cause of mysterious phenomena such as spontaneous human combustion and Will o' the Wisp. The author brilliantly tells the fascinating story of phosphorus. As a bonus, I think it is also a great way to study chemistry English, especially British English.

J. Emsley, The 13th Element, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 2000
First published in Great Britain as The Shocking History of Phosphorus by McMillan Publishers Ltd. in 2000

At next time, we will post about Optional Plural.