(English version is here.)
1. Gather Young Chemists.
2. Gather, Young Chemists.
1. 若い化学者を集めなさい
2. 集え、若き化学者たち(当会のブログ企画のタイトルでもあります)
A recent discussion topic in the Anglosphere has been that people no longer use punctuation properly. Not non-native English speakers, but native English speakers are unable to use punctuation correctly. Why is this? There are many reasons, and they would make an interesting topic for discussion, but we will not touch on those now. What is important for us is correctly conveying our own ideas.
What is the role of punctuation?
Punctuation separates and organises the elements of a sentence, and sets the flow. Does the presence or absence and position of punctuation change meaning? It certainly can change meaning. Let us raise a very easily understandable example. What is the difference in the following sentences?
1. Gather Young Chemists.
2. Gather, Young Chemists.
The first sentence instructs the listener to gather young chemists. The second sentence instructs young chemists, the listeners, to gather. The meaning is substantially different.
In English, the period and comma are indispensable. Furthermore, colons, semicolons, hyphens and quotation marks are frequently used. First, let us remember how periods and commas are used.
At next time, we will post about Período.