(English version is here.)
1. A previous report reveals/revealed/has revealed that under rigorously anhydrous conditions, the ring opening fails/failed to occur.
「has revealed/fails」の場合
この文は特定の報告された実験の結果も表しますが、現在完了/現在形の「has revealed/fails」では過去の出来事が今まで続いていることを表しています。
2. The literature shows/showed/has shown that catalytic activity was/is strongly influenced by ligand properties.
「has shown/is」の場合
「shows/has shown」は大体同じ意味ですが「has shown」はこのテーマの研究はもう完了している、問題はもう解決済みであることを表しています。その結果が継続しているので、現在形の「is」を使います。
3. Generally, cyanide is/was a strong nucleophile.
4. Dichlorodifluoromethane was/has been/had been widely used as a refrigerant prior to becoming restricted under the Montreal Protocol.
「had been」の場合
「has been」の場合
a. Before event A, B was used.
b. After event A, B was used.
重要な点は before/after です。両方とも単一の時点として使われていますので過去形の was を利用します。
c. Before event A, B was used, but since event A, C has been used. (and still is)
d. Before event A, B was used, but after event A, C was used. (but not any longer, note that sentence c uses since and sentence d uses after)
c, dでは、イベントAの前では、Bが使われたことを過去形で示し、の後にCが一点の出来事か継続出来事か、sinceとhas been (現在完了形)の組合せか、afterとwas (過去形)との組合せで表現しています。afterとwasの組合せでは、単一の時点を示し、現在は使われているかどうかは述べていません。
e. Before event A, B had been used, but afterwards C was used until event D. Since event D, E has been used.
eでは、イベントAとDの前後で、B, C, Eが使われた順番を、過去形、過去完了形、現在完了形を組み合わせた表現で示しています。
Important point:現在形、現在完了形、過去形、過去完了形を正しく理解するには、出来事の始まりと終わりや継続しているかどうかを、時間軸を考えるとよいです。
5. We anticipate/are anticipating/ were anticipating difficulty in maintaining the enantiomeric integrity adjacent to the enolizable carbonyl.
「are anticipating」は、いま予想している
Important point:「are anticipating」を使う時は「anticipate」も使えますが「anticipate」を使う時は「are anticipating」が使えるかどうか意図によって変わります。
6. We are/were/have been/had been investigating the utility of cascade reactions in target-directed synthesis.
「have been」は探求してきた(今も続いている)
「had been」過去時点までに探求していた(その時点で何かあった)
7. We develop/are developing/developed/have developed phosphaalkene ligands for palladium complexes as cross-coupling catalysts.
「are developing」開発している
「have developed」開発してきた(最近完了した)
In the underlined section, please answer in which situation which phrase would be used.
1. A previous report reveals/revealed/has revealed that under rigorously anhydrous conditions, the ring opening fails/failed to occur.
This represents the results of a specific reported experiment. The preterit revealed/failed emphasises a past occurrence, probably a single point event. This is a natural expression.
has revealed/fails
This also represents the results of a specific reported experiment, but present perfect/present tense has revealed/fails indicates that the past event continues to the present.
This represents the results of a specific reported experiment, but it emphasises the present. That is to say, it gives a feeling that the report is being read now.
2. The literature shows/showed/has shown that catalytic activity was/is strongly influenced by ligand properties.
In chemistry literature this represents an experimental result. This shows that the literature and experiments are multiple. Furthermore, the continuation of this research theme in the present is implied.
This represents a past occurrence. Whether this is true in the present is not shown.
has shown/is
Shows/has shown have largely the same meaning, but has shown indicates that this research theme is complete and the problem has been solved. This result continues and thus the present tense is appears.
3. Generally, cyanide is/was a strong nucleophile.
This represents a characteristic of cyanide.
This represents specific experimental results. The present condition is not represented.
4. Dichlorodifluoromethane was/has been/had been widely used as a refrigerant prior to becoming restricted under the Montreal Protocol.
This shows dichlorodifluoromethane in general use as a refrigerant prior to becoming restricted.
had been
This is used in a past context, that is to say, the speaker or writer is discussing the use of dichlorodifluoromethane in relation to another past event.
has been
This shows dichlorodifluoromethane in general use after being restricted, which indicates that restriction is not reducing use.
If use of present, present perfect, preterit, and past perfect tenses is still not clear, please see the following examples.
a. Before event A, B was used.
b. After event A, B was used.
The important point is before/after. Both are used as a single time point and thus the preterit is used.
c. Before event A, B was used, but since event A, C has been used. (and still is)
d. Before event A, B was used, but after event A, C was used. (but not any longer, note that sentence c uses since and sentence d uses after)
In c and d, use of B prior to event A is shown with the preterit, after which C was used either at one point or continuously as shown by either since/has been (present perfect) or after/was (preterit). The combination of after/was shows a single point in time; whether C is used at present is not expressed.
e. Before event A, B had been used, but afterwards C was used until event D. Since event D, E has been used.
In e, before and after A and D, the appearance of B, C, and E are expressed in order using preterit, past perfect, a present-perfect tenses.
Important point:To correctly understand the present, present perfect, preterit, and past perfect tenses, it is useful to think about the timeline and the beginning and ending of events, and whether or not they continue.
5. We anticipate/are anticipating/ were anticipating difficulty in maintaining the enantiomeric integrity adjacent to the enolizable carbonyl.
All of these are grammatically correct, but the time frame changes.
Anticipate indicates a general occurrence
Anticipating indicates currently occurring
Anticipated indicates occurrence at a point of time in the past
Anticipate indicates a general, ongoing phenomenon. In practice, it can be used to replace anticipating, but whether the reverse is possible changes with intention.
6. We are/were/have been/had been investigating the utility of cascade reactions in target-directed synthesis.
Are indicates a general occurrence of investigation.
Were indicates investigation that occurred at a point in the past.
Have been indicates investigation that has continued from the past until now.
Had been indicates investigation that continued to a point in the past, but at a particular time ceased.
7. We develop/are developing/developed/have developed phosphaalkene ligands for palladium complexes as cross-coupling catalysts.
This is like example 6.
Develop indicates general, ongoing development.
Are developing indicates development that is occurring at this moment.
Have developed indicates development that has been completed.
At next time, we will post about verb tenses.